Getting famous is one thing, but getting to be an internet sensation by climbing the highest buildings while streaming it online? Thats a very specific fantasy actually. But, whatever floats your boat. And you know what? You get to do exactly that in this game! Weve got your back, you know that, do you?Imagine the glamour! Checking social media and finding memes about you! Your granny getting those inspiring videos about the human potential and she yelling proudly "Im their grandma"! And all the followers really thinking youre their friend and giving you money while you dont even know who they are. Ahh, the life!GAME FEATURES-Climb the buldingsGet to bigger and bigger buildings. But police is waiting for you at the top so jump back down as soon as you get up!-Check out the livestream chatPeople are so nice when theyre online. Thats how you know this is a game. Live the fantasy!-Upgrade your characterBe harder! Be better! Be faster! Be stronger! Climbing buildings is cool and all but its even better if you do it with some style!